Executive Summary:
The Complaints unit system is considered to be a tool of accountability in official and local authorities. The citizen has the right to submit complaints over decisions made or services provided by official parties.
Therefore, this report examines the effectiveness of complaints unit in local authorities, by examining the reality and mechanisms of their work.
Recommendations of the report:
1. Adopting a procedure manual to deal with complaints.
2. Establishing an independent complaint unit in all local authorities.
3. Providing financial and human resources to help in establishing complaint units.
4. Raising the awarness of citizens over the concept of complaints.
5. Complaint units should conduct reports and submit them for discussion.
6. The need to conduct opion polls over complaints system in addition to holding hearing sessions to discuss the needs and complaints of the citizens.
7. The need to address all submitted complaints.
8. The need to learn from the center complaints program submitting by the Palestinian Cabinet in 2016.
The report is available in Arabic only.
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