Activities 2023

AMAN Coalition reiterates its recommendation that official institutions should classify their information, publish it and make it available to all citizens

AMAN Coalition reiterates its recommendation that official institutions should classify their information, publish it and make it available to all citizens

Calling on others to follow the example of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and congratulating it on obtaining a high rank of data comprehensiveness and accessibility to the public

AMAN Coalition reiterates its recommendation that official institutions should classify their information, publish it and make it available to all citizens


Ramallah- The Coalition for Integrity and Accountability (AMAN) congratulated the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics on its ranking 2nd in the West Asia and Middle East regions among 18 countries, and 17th in the world out of 193 countries, in terms of open data, data availability, coverage and inclusiveness. This ranking is according to a statement issued by the International Open Data Charter in its international report on the quality and comprehensiveness of official statistics.


In a message to Her Excellency Dr. Ola Awad, AMAN Coalition expressed its pride in the Bureau's classification as a leading Palestinian institution, demonstrating the importance of making data available, obtaining information, as well as its access to all citizens. The aforementioned is what the Bureau worked on professionally in making information available to citizens, through implementing transparency principles and publishing all information.


In this regard, the Coalition reiterated its recommendation that official institutions classify their information, publish it and make it available to all citizens, hoping that the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics' experience would serve as a model for the rest of the official institutions. Moreover, hoping that the Bureau's experience would contribute to urging the rest of the public institutions and the Palestinian Council of Ministers to be transparent to all citizens. The aforementioned will contribute to build mutual trust between citizens and state institutions, as well as improve citizens' access to information and activate their ability to hold decision makers accountable in accordance with good governance principles.



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