AMAN calls on the Ministry of Health to enforce the Law on Medical Protection and Safety

AMAN calls on the Ministry of Health to enforce the Law on Medical Protection and Safety

Ramallah – The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) reiterated its call for enforcing the Law on Medical Protection and Safety. AMAN also demanded that expedited action be taken to create a health legal system that provides protection to physicians and ensure justice for victims of medical malpractice.

To this effect, AMAN sent a letter to the Minister of Health, Dr. Mai Keilah, following the developments arising from the unacceptable attack on the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation. The attack ensued the death of Saud Fannoun, a resident of the Nahhalin town. The family accused the Arab Society for Rehabilitation of medical malpractice during cardiac catheterisation.

It is worth noting that, for several years, AMAN has taken a clear position, stressing the need for legal and practical solutions to put an end to attacks on doctors and medical facilities, and devising professional and fair solutions to address and follow up on medical errors at hospitals. AMAN has also emphasised the need for urgent approval of regulations and protocols, which ensure expeditious enforcement of the Law on Medical Protection and Safety.

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