2015 Activities

Tajaweb: Strengthening and Developing Local Committees to stimulate Solidarity and support Steadfastness of Marginalized Citizens

Tajaweb: Strengthening and Developing Local Committees to stimulate Solidarity and support Steadfastness of Marginalized Citizens


The Coalition for Integrity and Accountability- AMAN conducted a training course on “ Management of Small Business” targeting local committees within the Tajaweb Project in Gaza.  The training aimed at familiarizing them with mechanisms needed to implement small income-generating projects that would stimulate solidarity among citizens within marginalized areas as well as enhance their steadfastness in their areas of residence.

This training course was the result of efforts exerted by members of the local committee in networking with civil society actors and recruiting allies.  It came after ending two years of supporting citizens of Magharqa and Malaliha in finding solutions for their issues.  Presentation of outcomes of their work during an event also played a role where partners from Tajaweb, other citizens, and some civil society organizations participated. Also during the event, trainer Dr. Yaser, presented the committee with an honorary gift for its efforts.   

The course consisted of 12 training hours where participants were trained on skills of how to write small project proposals and methods of successful management.  Participants expressed their satisfaction of the course which aimed at enhancing their skills that would assist them in improving the quality of their lives.

It is worth noting that the Tajaweb project was launched in April 2013; funded by UKAID and is implemented in partnership between AMAN and Palestinian Vision, which is headed by the British Cultural Council.  The joint efforts of partners in Tajaweb aim at achieving objectives of the project, which are mainly to reinforce the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in marginalized areas, as well as to strengthen and develop civil society organizations and local communities and to enhance their relationship with decision makers.

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