Transparency & Integrity in Public Sectors

Transparency Index in Local Authorities

Transparency Index in Local Authorities

Executive Summary: 

The Transparency Index indicator in Palestine aims to identify the practices and methods used by local authorities to provide information over their work, especially in providing services to citizens and relation with other local institutions. Moreover, providing financial statments, management of human resources and the implementation of projects. The index is used to evaluate the values of transparency and access to information in local authorities. 

The index conducted a study over 385 local authorities such as Sa'eer, Turqumiya, Sureef, Beit Ommr, Beit Awla, Bani Na'eem, Dura, Beit Sahour, Tubas, Tamoun, Jenin, Anata, Bani Suhaila, Mighraqa, Al-Bareej, Ibsan, Zuwaydeh and Al-qarara municipalty. 

The index included many recommendations such as: 

1. Training and raising awarness programs must be conducted in all local authorities to guarantee ethical and legal rights. 

2. Develop an active information system for local authorities.

3. Allocation of resources to develop the capacity of local authorities. 

4. Local authorities must develop relationships with the local society.

5. Promotie accountability system to gurarantee the values of transparency. 


The report is available in Arabic only.


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