Transparency & Integrity in Public Sectors

National Integrity system Assessment Palestine 2013

National Integrity system Assessment Palestine 2013

The establishment of a national integrity system is among the most important requirements for good governance. A national integrity system works to overcome the risks, at all levels, of corruption occurring. It expands the horizontal base of accountability to the extent that power is not concentrated in the hands of a single authority or individual but spread so that all those who occupy a public office become responsible for their work separately and within an inter-connected chain. As such, every institution within this chain performs the role of both a guardian and one guarded against, both a monitor and one subject to oversight. A national integrity system means a move away from a system of vertical accountability under monopoly systems governed by a single party or individual, to a system of horizontal accountability based on a multiplicity of monitoring and accounting agencies, such as parliaments, public monitoring agencies, a free media, the courts, and professional associations, which prevent the misuse of authority.

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