2014 Activities

AMAN Coalition Signs Two Memorandums of Understanding with the Municipality of Anabta and the Local Council of Abu Dis

AMAN Coalition Signs Two Memorandums of Understanding with the Municipality of Anabta and the Local Council of Abu Dis

The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) signed twomemorandums of understanding and cooperation with the Municipality of Anabta and the Local Council of Abu Dis, in an effort to institutionalize their relationship and to collaborate towards promoting the values of integrity, the principles of transparency, and the accountability code.

This effort was part of AMAN’s strategy aimed at promoting the values of integrity and activating the principles of transparency and the code of accountability within local bodies. Similarly, it stemmed from the relentless belief in the key role played by local authorities towards promoting the development and welfare of the Palestinian people, by providing them with the best levels of servicefairly, equitably, and honestly.

The MOUs called for cooperationtowards implementing the "Open Your Eyes to a Better Service" initiative. The initiative was aimed at promoting the Civic Accountability Concept,building the capacities of youth councils,and working in tandem with the Municipality towards improvingthe level of services provided. Moreover, it called for cooperation towards developing a set of guides and rules aimed at enhancing the integrity, transparency, accountability and anti-corruption system.

Ms. GhadaZughayar,Executive Director of AMANCoalition, was thrilled and honored to have established new partnerships with Local Bodies. She looked forward to assisting them to utilize their capacities and to make them more accessible to the Palestinian citizens. She noted that AMAN has developed a comprehensive strategy concerning Local Bodies. Above all, it addresses citizens’ active participation in policy-making and decision-making in matters which concern them. She considered civil society to be the connecting link between these two entities. Furthermore, she hoped that representatives of Local Bodies will depict a real desire to disseminate information and to build asystemof integrity that involves all municipal work.

AMAN’santi-corruption Commissioner, Dr. Azmi AlShuaibi,expressed that he was extremely proud of this partnership. He further stressed, that public interest must be the core focus of the decision-making process.And that this can only be achieved through the development of a number of business systems and essential procedures that will institutionalize the decision-making process.He stressed the need to emphasize accountability within the functions of theLocal Council, as a local government body with a vested executive power represented by the Council’s President andstaff, and who is accountable to both the local council and citizens.

Heads of the Local Bodies, Mr. Adel Salah / Chairman of the Abu Dis Local Council, and Mr. Thabit Omar/ mayor of Anabta, thanked AMAN Coalition. They expressed their delight and desire to cooperate, as it can only enhance and strengthen citizens’ confidence in their local representatives. They stood behind the dissemination of informationidea, and requested that AMAN provide the necessary support to promotea culture of commitment among citizen towards their duties to the local bodies.

It is worth noting, that AMAN Coalition is collaborating with the Sharek Youth Forum to implement the "Open Your Eyes to a Better Service"initiative, as a continuation of their effort to establish youth groups.

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