2017 Activities

AMAN Submits Recommendations over the Medical and Health Safety Draft Law

AMAN Submits Recommendations over the Medical and Health Safety Draft Law

The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity – AMAN sent a letter to Prime Minister Dr. Rami Al-Hamdallah, praising the serious steps taken by the government to adopt a Palestinian law on medical and health safety, to guarantee the rights and interests of many doctors, accountability and to compensate the Palestinian citizen for medical mistakes, this decision addresses the gap in which AMAN coalition has called for many years.
In its letter, AMAN coalition has set out many amendments that would correct any gaps or shortcomings in the draft law by making it more comprehensive. Most important of which is to amend Article 16 in which the High Commission ensures its diversity of membership including individuals from outside the Ministry of Health and Medical Chamber, as well as Article 27, in which the Medical and Health Protection and Safety Committee formed under this law may take decisions to stop working doctors from providing services until a final judicial decision is issued in this regard, due to the doctor’s serious mistakes that may cause threat to the lives of the patients.
Lastly, AMAN coalition proposed amending Article 31 over financial resources of the compensation fund for medical mistakes, to specify its terms of reference.

It is noteworthy that AMAN coalition understands the importance of heated debated between key actors representing the health sector, civil society and the government over the draft law, therefore, it is concerned that such discussions may lead to abort the law which aims to regulate and protects the Palestinian doctors and citizens,  leaving the society in disasters that may threat the civil peace, medical institutions and hospitals as well as the profession of medicine and its nobility.

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