2017 Activities

Social Accountability Training

Social Accountability Training

The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity – AMAN in partnership with Falastiniyat
implemented a training for women in different municipalities, 25 volunteering women have
participated in the training over “the role of the woman in accountability and fighting
corruption in municipality” funded by the governments of Netherlands, Norway and
Luxembourg. The 10-hour training is implemented by the Ms. Azze Qassim to discuss the values
of accountability and fighting corruption from a feminist point of view in municipal committees
and in the municipal work.

The training discussed the framework of the municipalities in the Gaza Strip, difficulties faced,
and the role of the women to help overcome such obstacles and connect with the citizens.
The training aims to enable the participation of the women in fighting corruption and be
accountable, through highlighting the different issues in different areas, to help municipalities
to serve the best service to citizens, moreover, the help enhance the women’s role in social
accountability, the rights and duties of citizens and municipalities, identifying mechanisms and
exposing corruption, and through media campaigns aims to involve women in the work of the
municipal committees and their contribution to strategic plans and policies of different

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