Transparency & Integrity in Public Sectors

Tendering in Local Authorities

Tendering in Local Authorities

Monitoring over tendering process in the local authorities relies on the procedure, phase and financing of the tendering process accompanied by follow-up, monitoring and accountability, moreover, the status quo of the local authorities performing their duties, relation with local governance, donors, and entrepreneurs.

Tenders are divided into two such as building construction, infrastructure construction, roads and engineering constructions. Moreover, tenders such as goods and general supplies.


1. Legislative emendation to provide a legal framework for local authorities tenders regarding supplies.

2.  Granting a wider power for local authorities regarding tenders.

3.  The need to submit asset disclosure statements of employees in tendering department.

4.  Activating the role of electronic websites and access to information regarding tenders in specific.

5.  Demanding tendering specifics from local authorities.

6. Constant reestablishing of tender committee to guarantee public interest.

7.  Activating the monitoring role over local authorities tendering process.


The report is available in Arabic only.


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