Postponement of AMAN Coalition’s Trial to a Third Session on 31st October 2023
AMAN: “We respect the judicial process, but are surprised that AMAN’s professional report, which is released annually, became a subject of accusation”
Ramallah – The second session of the lawsuit against AMAN Coalition was held at the Ramallah Magistrate Court on 11 July 2023. The said trial emerged after a legal complaint was filed by the Presidential Bureau against AMAN. Statements were heard from the witness, [who was] representing the Presidential Bureau in his capacity as the authorized representative of the plaintiff Intisar Abu-Amara, in both her personal and functional capacity as Head of Presidential Bureau. Questions were posed to him, as well as discussing the complaint and listening to the Statement of Defense.
A discussion was held with the witness regarding the relationship of some Presidential Bureau employees with Al-Hayawiyya Real Estate Development Company and their involvement in settlement date whitening. The latter issue was referred to by AMAN Coalition in their 15th report, which highlighted deviations from the normal course in 2022 in a way that necessitates investigations and adjudication, as well as requiring interventions and settlements by parties outside the judicial system.
The defendant focused on demolishing the procedural and substantive bases of this complaint, as the lawsuit targets certain parties and contravenes rights established in the Basic Law, such as the freedom of opinion and expression, right to form charitable societies, and right to criticism, accountability, and demanding accountability.
Abd al-Qadir al-Husseini: I hope that the President will take into account the contents of the report and the recommendations contained therein.
AMAN Coalition’s Board of Directors Chairman, Mr. Abd al-Qadir al-Husseini, deplored that the professional report (which is prepared and published annually by AMAN) became a subject of accusation. He emphasized that the report is sound in its form and content, as it aims to highlight the weaknesses and deficiencies and contains relevant recommendations. Husseini pointed out that AMAN Coalition respects the judicial process, hoping that the President would take into consideration what was mentioned in the report. He added that this statement does not only reflect the voice of AMAN but [also] the voice of civil society as a whole.
In conjunction with the trial date, a large number of civil society representatives participated in a sit-in in front of the Magistrate Court in Al-Balou’, Al-Bireh to reject attempts to restrict the work of civil society. Protesters were joined by European Union representatives as part of a large-scale solidarity campaign including local and international organizations, political parties, associations, unions, coalitions, and Transparency International. These parties warned of the unjust legal action against AMAN and limiting the sphere and activities of civil society organizations (CSOs). They also stressed the need to allow CSOs to duly perform their duties, in line with the Palestinian Basic Law; Law of Charitable Associations and Civil Society Organizations; right to criticism; and freedom of opinion and expression.
Additionally, Palestinian civil society organizations announced that July 11 [date of the trial] will be a national day for defending anti-corruption fighters and will be celebrated by Palestinians annually on this date.