2021 Activity

Following presidential decree on promotion of public freedoms, AMAN Coalition calls for actual implementation on the ground

Following presidential decree on promotion of public freedoms, AMAN Coalition calls for actual implementation on the ground

Following presidential decree on promotion of public freedoms,

AMAN Coalition calls for actual implementation on the ground,

With focus on integrity in governance in all circumstances

Ramallah – AMAN Coalition for Integrity and Accountability followed the promulgation of the presidential decree on 20th February 2021, relating to promotion of public freedoms. The decree preempts the general elections, to be held following factional consensus in Cairo. The decree focused on banning prosecution, detention and arrest against the backdrop of freedom of opinion or political affiliation. It also prescribed for the release of opinion and political prisoners and for full electoral campaign freedom with equal opportunities to all candidates on different official and other media platforms.

AMAN believes that the articles of the decree represent a fundamental condition for the success of the electoral process and they come in compliance with the Elections Law. It reiterated that respect of rights and freedoms, including the right to assembly, organization and freedom of opinion and expression, are inherent rights in the Palestinian Basic Law and are to be use under all circumstances. Therefore, the decree is quite a natural step in a governing system that abides by the values of integrity.

AMAN also announced it will strengthen its oversight of the electoral process, in application of the Basic Law, Elections Law and relevant decrees. It will observe activities of staff of the public sector, security forces, and representatives of the Palestinian political parties since integrity of governance is closely interwoven with respect of the rights of citizens and promotion of public freedoms.

AMAN reiterated its invitation to all stakeholders to counter any challenges facing the democratic elections, by complying with the following rules and principles:

  1. Respect the rule of law and comply with the provisions of the Palestinian Basic Law and Elections Law.
  2. Ensure respect for public freedoms, right to freedom of expression, freedom of information, and right to freedom of peaceful assembly for all parties involved in the election process.
  3. AMAN calls on the authorities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to refrain from taking any pre-emptive action at the institutional, organisational and legal levels of the State of Palestine institutions or centres of power. No appointments, promotions, transferences of any high-category state personnel can be made ahead of the elections.
  4. Security agencies should maintain neutrality. They may not intervene in the election process in any form, except as prescribed by law.
  5. Public servants, particularly high-category employees, may not use their positions to propagate any candidates competing in the election process. They may not use public resources and properties in the election campaign.
  6. Citizens’ right of access to relevant information from all actors should be honoured. All information on the conduct of elections should be disclosed, together with the sources of financing election campaigns, starting with the Central Elections Commission (CEC) and ending with lists of candidates.
  7. The principle of equal opportunities among all candidates, parties, and electoral lists should be respected within the framework of a fair competition. This should involve setting expenditure ceilings. As a national, rather than partisan, media outlet, the official media will be readily and fairly accessible by all candidates, parties and lists in election campaigns.
  8. The Electoral Court should be established. Members will be selected from among judges of proven impartiality and integrity to ensure effective and independent functions.
  9. Candidates and representatives of electoral lists and political parties should comply with the code of fair conduct and principles outlined by the Elections Code of Ethics, agreed by political parties and factions in 2005. When they form their lists, parties and factions should not include any candidates involved in corruption cases.
  10. The code of professional conduct for CEC members and staff will be put to work.
  11. In the composition of electoral lists, various parties, factions and blocs should ensure a fair representation of women and youth in the national elections.
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