Activities 2023

The Defense Commission holds a meeting to discuss the lawsuit filed by the Presidential Bureau against AMAN Coalition

The Defense Commission holds a meeting to discuss the lawsuit filed by the Presidential Bureau against AMAN Coalition

The Defense Commission holds a meeting to discuss the lawsuit filed by the Presidential Bureau against AMAN Coalition

Ramallah – The Defense Commission met today (Thursday) at the office of the Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) to discuss the lawsuit filed by the Presidential Bureau against AMAN Coalition. The following charges were brought in the said case/lawsuit:

Accusation of publishing news that would [negatively] affect judges or witnesses and publishing information or criticism that can affect a judge or witness or prevent a person from revealing information, contrary to Article (224) of Jordanian Penal Code No. (16) of 1960.

Charges of libel against an official body, court, public administration, army, or employee when carrying out their duty or due to what was done by virtue of it, in violation of Article (191) of Jordanian Penal Code No. (16) of 1960.

Use of technological means to disseminate information related to the previous charges, as specified by Article (45) of the Law by Decree on Cybercrimes No. (10) of 2018.

The Defense Commission discussed the said case in detail and agreed on the defenses that will be presented in the next trial session, to be held at the Ramallah Magistrate Court on 11 July 2023. It was also agreed to expand the Defense Commission in light of the willingness of several Palestinian human rights organisations and lawyers to become members in the said commission.


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